Eudaemon Philosophical Practice
Inner Growth - Authentic Leadership - Ethical Organizations Learn moreHow can we help?
Inner Growth
Successful but not fulfilled? Overachiever or perfectionist but something still seems to be missing? On a journey of self-discovery and in search of new tools? In a great place, but still hungry for more? Philosophical coaching is a powerful tool for a deeper level of self understanding, gaining new perspectives, identifying and overcoming blind spots and limiting beliefs, finding your purpose, acting on that purpose, and facilitating inner growth for a flourishing life. Learn more.
Authentic Leadership
Eudaemon offers executive coaching for leaders who want to develop their authentic leadership. Learn more.
Ethical Organizations
The business of business is more than business! So while inclusive, participatory, ethically aware employers are more profitable, there is also a moral obligation to create such an environment. To be an organization that puts ethics at its core requires more than a code of conduct, a GRI report, or having an ethics and compliance officer. Eudaemon offers trainings, workshops, motivational speaking, and other generative tools to integrate an ethical mindset at all levels of your organization. Learn more.
About Eudaemon
Eudaemon is a philosophical practice, founded by Dr. Veronica Johansson. The name Eudaemon is inspired by Aristotle’s concept of “Eudaimonia,” i.e. human flourishing, happiness and well-being. The Western and Eastern philosophical traditions provide valuable perspectives on the age-old questions of meaning, purpose, and flourishing both in our personal life and at work. Our mission is to transform lives and organizations through philosophy, coaching, and research-based interventions.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
– Socrates
Why philosophy?
So what can philosophy do for you or your organization? In a fast paced world that premiers superficial solutions and quick fixes, philosophy is an antidote. Do you want to live more wholeheartedly and in tune with your core values? Find new methods to address complex problems, existential issues and ethical dilemmas? Build inclusive and participatory organizations? Encourage authentic leadership? Then Eudaemon can help! A philosopher’s toolbox includes posing questions designed to identify hidden assumptions and unfounded beliefs both about ourselves, others and our world views; to sharpen critical thinking skills, elaborate on different perspectives, and think outside the box; and to enable others to develop a philosophical mindset, i.e. by fostering an inquiring mind; an ethical awareness; and tools for self-discovery and inner growth.
About Dr. Veronica Johansson
Dr. Veronica Johansson
Ethicist, coach, educator, speaker
Philosophy changed my life when I first encounter it some 30 years ago. Ever since, I have been exploring some of the key questions that occupied philosophers both in the East and the West: What is a good life? How does one live authentically? How do we gain knowledge about ourselves, others and the world? How do we find meaning and purpose?
For more than 20 years, I addressed these questions academically. I have a Ph.D. in Ethics; a master’s degree in Theology, focused on Eastern philosophy; and additional studies in neuroscience, psychology, and didactics (to mention a few!). I have worked as a university lecturer and researcher – specifically as a brain machine interface specialist – at two of Europe’s top ranked universities. My research targeted authenticity, depression, biases, participatory approaches, professionals’ blind spots, and quality of life issues.
However, I came to a point where I was ready for a new purpose. I wanted to approach ethics in a new way, beyond academia. To walk the talk, I decided to transition to a role where I could promote human flourishing and well being first hand, and to help others live more authentically and fulfilled. As a compliment to my academic toolbox, I therefor trained as both a philosophical practitioner and in several coaching methods including ACC ICF, existential, neuro linguistic programming, and generative coaching. During these years, I have witnessed the transformational power in awakening a philosophical mindset, raising ethical awareness, and increasing self knowledge first hand. Now I look forward to helping you achieve the same results!
Years as an Educator
Years in Academia
Years as Curious
“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
– Marcus Aurelius
Inner growth
“Know thyself,” the inscription that once greeted the visitors to temple of Apollo at Delphi, is the first step to self-exploration and inner growth. The inward journey takes courage, honesty, and commitment. You must be open and willing to embrace the unknown, and to revisit and explore values, actions, thoughts, emotions and choices without judgments or preconceived notions of how things “ought to be”. Philosophical coaching enables you to pinpoint and verbalize your core beliefs and aspirations. The next step is to make the necessary changes to lead your life according to what you truly value and are inspired by today, not what others expect or expected you to be nor what a younger you strived for. Philosophical coaching is not consulting, mentoring, therapy, or counseling. I primarily work with Maieutics, the “Socratic method,” best described as a midwifery of the soul. Philosophical inquiry is used to go beyond the search for perfection and perceived success, and to trace our vulnerability, shame, imposter syndrome and other limiting beliefs. However, it is equally important to identify your strengths and unique talents. The method helps you to discover and act on your true self, so that you become an authentic leader of your own life and future.
We offer tools to
Pause and reflect to connect with where you are presently, i.e. who you are today, and what areas you want to develop or let go of.
Identify, articulate and reflect on existential questions, core values and worldviews.
Identify and overcome blind spots, implicit biases and limiting beliefs.
Review life goals.
Explore mindsets, emotions and somatic expressions, and how they impact you.
Enable inner growth by exposure to new experiences and perspectives.
Authentic leadership
“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself”. The Danish philosopher Sören Kirkegaard’s words sets the tone for those who wants to live and lead authentically. An inner authentic leadership, i.e. to know your inner moral compass, your strengths and your weaknesses and to act accordingly, is a prerequisite for being an authentic leader at work. Eudaemon offers executive coaching focused on authentic leadership.
We offer tools to
Manage continuously shifting priorities and strategies for leaders in organizations in a state of constant change.
Identify, articulate and reflect on core values.
Identify and overcome blind spots, implicit biases and limiting beliefs.
Review career and leadership goals.
Shift mindsets and turn percieved obstacles into opportunities.
Overcome perfectionism, and learn the power of vulnerability.
Make successful leaders even better.
Ethical organisations
“Panta rhei, everything flows,” the philosopher Heraclitus exclaimed 2500 years ago, heralding the VUCA world of the 21st Century. An everchanging world requires leaders and organizations apt to deal with disruption and uncertainty, while still not losing track of their vision, values and moral compasses. The goal of professional ethics is to raise ethical awareness and foster sustainable ideals where employees can flourish at work and get tools to make ethical choices.
We offer tools to
Develop an ethical mindset at all levels of the organization.
Address ethical dilemmas.
Implement a participatory approach.
Increase awareness of blind spots, implicit biases and limiting beliefs.
Find the generative potential in perceived obstacles.
Increase diversity, equity and inclusion.
Improve communication through mutual exploration and dialogue.
“I had the great pleasure to work with Veronica on a series of workshops for the Microsoft Aspire program in EMEA and the Americas in late 2020, around Authentic Self and Growth Mindset. Veronica provided invaluable input, feedback and coaching and the workshop received a score of 4.6/5 from 100+ participants internationally. Veronica is very good at what she does and a joy to work with and I can give her my highest recommendations as an ethicist, practical philosopher and workshop facilitator!“
Linus Hammarstrand Enterprise Cloud Solution Specialist – Data & AI@Microsoft | Analog & Digital Explorer | Zen Meditation Teacher

“Every year since 2010, Veronica gives Ethics introductory lectures in my course Engineering Nanoscience at LTH. She is highly dedicated and competent. Her lectures are interactive and tailored to the audience. Her commitment, and enthusiasm for sharing her knowledge about ethics makes her lecture the highlight of the course!“
Prof. Christelle Prinz, Solid State Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University | Principal investigator at LUCC Lund University Cancer Centre | Principal investigator at NanoLund
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All our services are uniquely tailored to your specific needs. When you book a consultation, we will explore your situation, to determine if and how we can be of service.